Q: I have synthesized more than the required 3 Elite Arid Lancers scans, but I'm stuck with only one scanned even though I have scanned so many of them.
A: First, be sure your active quest is set to The New Strange by going to Codex > Quests > The New Strange and click 'BEGIN':
Next, be sure you have the Synthesis Scanner equipped to your Gear Wheel, as you will need this specific scanner to progress the quest (you cannot use the Codex Scanner to progress the quest):
Once you equip the Synthesis Scanner, go to your navigation and start the quest mission on Ares, Mars.
Complete the Sabotage mission objective as normal, but before you extract, equip your Synthesis Scanner and follow the pattern shown, which will lead you to the Synthesis target:
Once close to the target, Simaris will inform the player, and you will see an marker on the location of the target. Once found, the player must scan 4 blue-green nodes located on the target (usually located on head, chest, core, and leg):
Once all 4 spots are scanned, the target will be transported away and a HUD will update with the following information:
The above scan must be completed 3 times on the same Sabotage mission on Ares, Mars.
Important to note that, sometimes the HUD doesn't show the updated number (2/3, 3/3), but once you have completed the mission 3 times, the quest will progress and the Quest Objective will update upon returning to the ship:
Once you return to Simaris, a new dialogue option will appear, and by selecting the option the quest will progress forward. Happy hunting!
Q: I have completed The New Strange quest, but did not receive the Chroma parts blueprints.
A: The quest will reward you with the main Chroma blueprint, however the Chroma parts blueprints are rewarded as Junction rewards and are not part of the quest reward:
- Neuroptics Blueprint: Uranus Junction on Saturn
- Chassis Blueprint: Neptune Junction on Uranus
- Systems Blueprint: Pluto Junction on Neptune