Last Update: 2022/09/28 - Veilbreaker: Hotfix 32.0.7
New content marked in red.
This article lists all available quests for Warframe, with tips on how to unlock them and what you will get from these quests.
*Information in this article is based on the PC build for Warframe, and some quests may not be available on the console build.
This article contains information up to the Second Dream quest. For quests beyond the Second Dream, please refer to the article here.
General Tips:
- Once you unlock quests, it can be started from the Codex > Quest tab and hitting ‘BEGIN’ on the UI.
- Once you have the quest started, it’s best not to change the active quest until it is completed.
- Most quests cannot be replayed once completed. There are few exceptions as displayed below, however replays are for lore purpose only and completing the quest again will not give you the quest reward again.
- Once you complete the quest, Quest Rewards can be re-obtained from Cephalon Simaris at the Relay for Standing.
- Some quests are unlocked via Junction completion.
Vor’s Prize/The Awakening
- Wake up, Tenno.
- First quest when starting Warframe as a new player.
- Completing the quest will unlock most of the the Orbiter's (your ship) Segments.
The Duviri Paradox
- Due to the nature of the quest, Tips and FAQ for this quest is detailed on this article.
Saya's Vigil
- The quest is unlocked by completing Vor's Prize, reach Mastery Rank 1, complete a Bounty from Cetus located in Plains of Eidolon, and then talk to Konzu about 'A Personal Favor'. Which then you will be instructed to talk to Saya in Cetus (do not go to the Plains of Eidolon), and once you do so you will obtain the quest.
- If you skipped Vor's Prize back when quest system was first introduced, the quest will be considered 'Completed' on server side, and it will not affect your capability to unlock the quest.
- The quest will award you with the Gara Blueprint. Gara parts blueprints are obtained from Bounties on Plains of Eidolon.
- The quest can only be played in Solo-mode and can not be played on co-op.
- You can obtain additional Gara Blueprints from Cephalon Simaris Offering at the Relay for 50,000 Standing after completing the quest.
- If a player has purchased the Gara Warframe from the Market with Platinum prior to completing the quest for the first time, they will receive a Veiled Riven Mod upon completion of the quest along with the Gara Blueprint via in-game Inbox.
Vox Solaris
- The quest is automatically started when player visits Fortuna on Venus for the first time.
- To view and access Fortuna, player must have the Unda node that precedes Fortuna completed.
- Completing the quest will reward the player with the K-Drive Launcher gear item at the quest completion screen, and will receive the Garuda Blueprint separately from Eudico via Inbox Mail after completing the quest.
- The K-Drive Launcher reward is the Gear Item and not the Blueprint. It is not necessary to craft any item to equip the Launcher to your Gear Wheel after completing the quest. It is also important to note that, The K-Drive Launcher is a gear item to summon the K-Drive, and is not the actual K-Drive (you must obtain/craft that outside of the quest). The K-Drive Launcher is still usable without owning any K-Drive, and will summon the basic Bondi K-Drive that cannot be modified.
- Garuda parts blueprints are not part of the quest reward, and are obtained from completing Bounty Missions on Fortuna/Orb Vallis.
- You can obtain additional Garuda Blueprints from Cephalon Simaris Offering at the Relay for 50,000 Standing after completing the quest.
- Completing the quest is required to unlock some of the merchants in Fortuna.
The Waverider
- The quest can be accessed by having the Vox Solaris quest completed. Once the condition is met, you will receive a message in your Inbox, and by reading the message the quest will be unlocked.
- Completing the quest will reward the player with the Yareli Blueprint, Noggle Statue - Yareli, K-Drive Booster, Yareli Prex, and the Waverider #1 Decoration.
- The Yareli component blueprints are acquired through Research inside the VentKids' Bash Lab within the Clan Dojo, and are not part of the quest reward.
- If a player has purchased the Yareli Warframe from the Market with Platinum prior to completing the quest for the first time, they will receive a Veiled Pistol Riven MOD upon completion of the quest via in-game Inbox.
- You can obtain additional Yareli Blueprints from Cephalon Simaris Offering at the Relay for 50,000 Standing after completing the quest.
The Deadlock Protocol
- The quest can be accessed from your Codex if you are Mastery Rank 4 or higher, and have completed the "Vox Solaris" quests that precedes it.
- Completing the quest will reward the player with the Xoris Glaive weapon, which they will collect and craft the blueprint/parts within the quest. They will also be rewarded the Protea Blueprint and the Granum Void Captura Scene upon completing the quest for the first time.
- Component blueprints for the Protea are not part of the Quest Reward, and are acquired from the Granum Void, a special location only accessible from the Corpus Ship tileset.
- If a player has purchased the Protea Warframe from the Market with Platinum prior to completing the quest for the first time, they will receive a Veiled Rifle Riven MOD upon completion of the quest via in-game Inbox.
- The Deadlock Protocol quest can be replayed once completed from the Codex, but completing the quest again will not give you the quest rewards again.
- You can obtain additional Xoris Blueprint from Cephalon Simaris Offering at the Relay for 100,000 Standing, and the Parts for 15,000 Standing each after completing the quest.
- You can obtain additional Protea Blueprints from Cephalon Simaris Offering at the Relay for 50,000 Standing after completing the quest.
Heart of Deimos
- The quest can be accessed by having the Mars Junction on Earth Completed, and have access to the Cambion Drift Open World node. Once the conditions are met, you will receive a message in your Inbox, and by reading the message the quest will be unlocked.
- This quest can only be played in Solo mode.
- Completing the quest will reward the player with the Xaku Blueprint and the Deimos Necralisk Captura Scene upon completing the quest for the first time.
- Xaku's component blueprints are acquired from Cambion Drift Bounty missions.
- If a player has purchased the Xaku Warframe from the Market with Platinum prior to completing the quest for the first time, they will receive a Veiled Shotgun Riven Mod upon completion of the quest via in-game Inbox.
- You can obtain additional Xaku Blueprints from Cephalon Simaris Offering at the Relay for 50,000 Standing after completing the quest.
Howl of the Kubrow
- Quest is unlocked by completing the Junction from Venus to Mercury.
- This quest will allow you to create your very first Kubrow!
After the first mission you will gain access to the Incubator Segment.
You then will have to find a Kubrow Egg by destroying Kubrow Dens found on Earth's Forest tileset. It can also be purchased for Platinum. Once you have acquired an Egg, you must also obtain an Incubator Power Core. It can be acquired as a finished item through the Market or in the form of a Blueprint to craft in your Foundry. - Alternatively, you can obtain an Incubator Power Core upon completing the Mars Junction for the first time.
- When asked to wait until the Kubrow matures, incubating and hatching the egg will not progress the quest. Kubrow can be instantly matured at the Incubator Segment with a click of a button.
- Finally you will receive the Nai-Zhen Collar that will allow you to take your Kubrow to regular missions (once obtained, the Collar will automatically attach to the Kubrow in use).
- Progression of the quest specifically requires Kubrows, and other Pets (Kavats, etc.) won't count towards the quest's progression.
Once Awake
- Quest is unlocked by completing the Junction from Venus to Mercury.
Completing the quest will award you with the Molten Impact Mod (not quest exclusive), and the Heat Sword Blueprint
- The Heat Sword Blueprint can also be bought from the Nightwave Offerings.
The Archwing
- Quest is unlocked by completing the Junction from Earth to Mars.
- Completing the quest will award you with the Odonata Archwing and 2 Archwing weapons (Imperator and Veritux).
- After completing the quest you will be able to use your Archwing in regular Archwing missions, and underwater levels.
- Resources required to craft the Odonata parts are not obtained through quest progression, and must be obtained on your own.
- Completion of this quest early is recommended as many quests, missions, and events require access to Archwing to participate.
If you sell the Odonata Archwing, Imperator and the Veritux you have crafted, you can obtain additional Blueprints for these equipment from Cephalon Simaris Offering at the Relay for the following cost:
- Odonata Blueprint: 100,000 Standing
- Odonata Parts Blueprints: 50,000 Standing each
- Imperator Blueprint: 100,000 Standing
- Veritux Blueprint: 100,000 Standing
A Man of Few Words
- Unlocked by talking with Darvo in any of the Relays.
- Completing the quest will award you with the Exilus Adapter and 1 Clem Clone Blueprint.
- The Clem Clone Blueprint cannot be reused. Additional Blueprints must be obtained to construct more Clem Clones. They can be acquired by completing missions to help Clem, which can be accessed by talking to Darvo at the Relay after completing the quest (only once per 7 days).
Stolen Dreams
- Quest is unlocked by completing the Junction from Mars to Phobos.
- Completing the quest will award you with the Ether Dagger Blueprint and an Orokin Catalyst Blueprint.
- You can obtain additional Ether Daggers Blueprints from Cephalon Simaris Offering at the Relay for 100,000 Standing each after completing the quest.
The Limbo Theorem
- Quest is unlocked by completing the Junction from Jupiter to Europa, which then the quest will be unlocked and available in your codex.
- You will also need the Archwing to play some of the quest missions.
- As of Update 21 The Limbo Theorem Excavation missions will now guarantee one of the Blueprints at the end of 3 extractors as an End of Mission reward.
- Completing the quest will award you with the Limbo component blueprints (Limbo Neuroptic, Systems, and Chassis). You can craft the Limbo after completing the quest by purchasing the Limbo Blueprint from the market.
- You can obtain additional Limbo Parts Blueprints from Cephalon Simaris Offering at the Relay for 25,000 Standing each after completing the quest.
The New Strange
- Quest is unlocked by completing the Junction task from Jupiter to Europa.
- Completing the quest will award you with the Chroma Blueprint.
Chroma parts blueprints are rewarded as Junction rewards and are not part of the quest reward:
- Neuroptics Blueprint: Uranus Junction on Saturn
- Chassis Blueprint: Neptune Junction on Uranus
- Systems Blueprint: Pluto Junction on Neptune
You can obtain additional Chroma Blueprints and Chroma Parts Blueprints from Cephalon Simaris Offering at the Relay for the following cost:
- Chroma Blueprint: 50,000 Standing
- Chroma Parts Blueprints: 25,000 Standing
- The New Strange quest can be replayed once completed at the Codex, but completing the quest again will not give you the quest reward again.
- Both the Synthesis Scanner and the Kinetic Siphon Trap items are consumables, additional charges can be purchased from Cephalon Simaris.
- Quest is unlocked by being Mastery Rank 3 and scanning a Sentient Oculyst found throughout the Solar System (reports indicate frequent Oculyst sightings in a laboratory located underwater).
- Completing the quest will award you with the Exilus Adapter, and allow player to buy the Exilus Adapter blueprint from Cephalon Simaris.
The Second Dream
- Quest is unlocked by completing the Junction from Uranus to Neptune and completing the Natah quest.
Quest rewards include:
- Broken-War
- Focus system unlocked
- Access to Orokin Moon nodes
- Scar Sigil
- The Broken War reward is required to craft the War weapon, which the Blueprint is dropped from a special Assassin Boss enemy that appears after completing the quest.
- You can obtain additional Blueprints from the special Assassin Boss enemy that appears after completing the quest.
Hidden Messages
- Quest is unlocked by completing the Junction from Pluto to Sedna, which then the quest will be unlocked and available in your Codex.
- Completing the quest will award you with the Mirage component Blueprints (Mirage Neuroptics, Systems, and Chassis). You can craft the Mirage after completing the quest by purchasing the Mirage Blueprint from the Market.
- Deleting the inbox messages will not interfere with the quest progression. If you have accidentally deleted the riddle message from your Inbox, Warframe Support will not be able to restore it, however the content of the message can be read on this Help Center article here.
- You can obtain additional Mirage Parts Blueprints from Cephalon Simaris Offering at the Relay for 25,000 Standing each after completing the quest.
Sands of Inaros
Unlocked by talking to Baro Ki’Teer and purchasing the Sands of Inaros quest key blueprint when he visits the Tenno Relay. Craft the quest key blueprint at the Foundry to begin the quest from the Codex.
- To purchase the quest key blueprint, it requires you to be Mastery Rank 5 and to have access to Phobos on the Navigation Segment.
- Quest key blueprint can also be obtained through trading.
- Completing the quest will award you with the Inaros Blueprint and the Inaros component blueprints. You will also receive the Sacred Vessel decoration to place on your ship.
You can obtain additional Inaros Blueprints and Inaros Parts Blueprints from Cephalon Simaris Offering at the Relay for the following cost:
- Inaros Blueprint: 50,000 Standing
- Inaros Parts Blueprints: 25,000 Standing
- The Sands of Inaros quest is not replayable, and purchasing the quest Blueprint from Baro again won't allow players to craft the quest key. The quest key blueprint can be traded to other players that hasn't unlocked the quest yet.
- The targets you defeat are only counted if you have the Sands of Inaros quest set as your active quest, you kill the targets yourself, and with the 'Sacred Vessel' equipped in your Gear.
Patient Zero
- Quest is unlocked by completing the Junction from Pluto to Eris, which then the quest will be unlocked and available in your codex.
Completing the quest will award you with the Mutalist Alad V Assassinate Key Blueprint, which after crafting will unlock a special node to fight Mutalist Alad V. You can gather Mesa component blueprints from playing this node.
- Mesa Blueprint can be purchased on the in-game Market.
The Jordas Precept
- To unlock the quest, you must complete the Eris Junction on Pluto.
- Completing the quest will award you with the Atlas Blueprint and access to the Jordas Golem Assassinate node on Eris (node to collect Atlas parts blueprints).
- By playing with other users, you may gain access to the special node before completing the quest, but to complete the quest you must complete the Naeglar node on Eris as host or solo.
- You can obtain additional Atlas Blueprints from Cephalon Simaris Offering at the Relay for 50,000 Standing after completing the quest.