Q: I'm at the last part of the quest "Return to the Mountain Pass: Earth", the camera turned first person view and I can't move. I can't get out of the mission and I can't get out of the quest to play other contents.
A: The issue occurs due to poor connectivity with our content server and is a edge-case bug that occurs with certain users and region.
If you are experiencing above symptoms, please try the methods below to see if you can progress the quest:
- Close the game client, and then open up the launcher and click the little gear in the upper right corner. In the upper right of the settings menu click the **Verify** button in the Download Cache section and let it run to completion.
- Check to see your Graphics Card and devices used for your PC are all updated. Making sure the drivers are updated can help with stable connectivity to the game server.
- Try logging in using a different PC.
- Try logging in using a different PC, but on a different Internet Service Provider.
If above steps does not help, please "Submit a request” to Warframe Support under "Quests" > Category "The War Within" in order for us to investigate and remove you out of the quest.
Q: I was playing through the quest, came to the final scene to make my final decision, after doing so the quest restarted and put me back to "The Purge Precept" segment of the quest.
A: At this time, Warframe Support does not have clarity on why this error occurs, however we are continuously looking into solving this edge case.
With that said, the only suggestion we can make at this time is to play through the quest again, as we have not seen a case where the loop occurs twice.
Q: I finished The War Within quest but did not receive the Personal Quarters Segment Blueprint for me to craft and unlock the next story quest.
A: Please "Submit a request” to Warframe Support under "Quests" > Category "The War Within" in order for us to investigate and add the missing Personal Quarters Segment Blueprint to your inventory.