Q: I've fully incubated & matured my Kubrow for combat however the quest is not progressing. I'm stuck on Stage 2 "Incubate and Mature a Kubrow using the Incubator" despite clearing it.
A: Please have a mature active Kubrow, and have your active quest set to Howl of the Kubrow to progress the quest.
Having a mature Kavat or Helminth Charger as your active pet will not progress the quest.
Q: I have played the first quest mission "Acquire the Incubator Segment" on Unda, Venus, and the game is prompting me to install the Incubator Segment, however I did not receive the Segment.
A: Please "Submit a request” to Warframe Support under "Quests" > Category "Howl of the Kubrow" in order for us to investigate and add the Incubator Segment to your account for you to install.