Q: I just crafted the Limbo Neuroptics Theorem Blueprint and played the mission, but now the navigation doesn't tell me what to do next:
A: After completing the Limbo Neuroptics Theorem quest mission, you will be awarded with the Limbo Neuroptics Blueprint, and by crafting and claiming the Limbo Neuroptics Blueprint (not the Limbo Neuroptics Theorem Blueprint) at the Foundry while The Limbo Theorem quest is set as your active quest, it will trigger the quest to progress:
Similar symptom may occur after obtaining the Limbo Systems Blueprint, if it does happen, simply craft and claim the Limbo Systems Blueprint while The Limbo Theorem is set as active quest to progress the quest.
Q: I crafted the Limbo Chassis but quest is stuck on last part of the quest.
A: This issue occurs due to how sensitive Warframe's quest system is and how certain quest tasks doesn't track properly when the quest isn't set as your Active Quest at the Codex.
If this happens to you, please "Submit a request” to Warframe Support under "Quests" > Category "The Limbo Theorem" in order for us to help you progress the quest.
Q: I completed The Limbo Theorem quest, but I did not receive the Limbo Blueprint.
A: The main blueprint for Limbo is not part of the quest's reward.
Completing the quest will award you with the Limbo component blueprints (Limbo Neuroptic, Systems, and Chassis). You can craft the Limbo after completing the quest by purchasing the Limbo Blueprint from the market.