Clan and Alliance Emblems
Clan and Alliance emblems are a great way for players to create their own unique images to identify themselves as members and to represent their Clan or Alliance!
Any Warlord in a Clan or Alliance can use their Account Management Page to upload an image for consideration. Once an emblem has been approved you will see a message informing you of this fact on your Account management page and the Emblem will be visible in-game after the next hotfix if you are on PC, or after the next main content update if you are on consoles.
There are some important rules to consider before uploading your image:
- Uploading a Clan or Alliance Emblem costs 150 Platinum each time!*
- The Emblem you upload must be a 128x128 pixels .png file. No other file types will be accepted.
Any transparencies in the image will be reflected properly in the game. - Do not upload any offensive or inappropriate images or any copyrighted images that DE does not have the rights to! Always err on the side of caution here as we will explain to you in an in-game mail the reason that your image was rejected, but your Platinum will not be refunded. Images that relate to politics, religion, sex, or hate are best avoided as they often don't fit the tone of the game and can easily offend other users.
*NOTE: Contact support for assistance if you upload an emblem and run into any problems (either a rejected emblem or technical issues). They will help you get a functional emblem into the game, free of charge for you.
If you are unsure about whether any given image will be approved, you can submit your image in a support ticket before uploading and we will let you know if the image is likely to be rejected or not. If the image you uploaded is rejected, you can submit a ticket to our support desk with an alternate upload. As long as your alternate upload does not contain any offensive or copyrighted imagery, we will upload it for you manually at no extra cost.
You will get a chance to preview how your image will appear in-game so make sure you approve of how it looks as we will not give refunds based only on your dislike of the aesthetics of your emblem in the game after it has been uploaded! There will be a difference between your preview image and how your emblem will appear in-game as there are in-game lighting effects inherent to the emblem as well as various environmental effects that may come into play in any given scene.
There are several important points to keep in mind when creating your emblem:
- Only proper transparencies in your emblem will be visible as such in-game, black and white portions of your emblem are NOT shown as transparent in-game, and semi-transparent pixels may become fully opaque when interacting with the lighting engine in-game! It is a good idea to keep any pixels either 100% Opaque or 100% transparent as it can be difficult to determine how semi-transparency on your emblem will be visible in-game.
- Try to avoid too much white in your emblems if you wish details to be visible as bloom and dynamic lighting may cause excessive glow and make small details difficult to observe. Try using grey or even beige as opposed to white when attempting to preserve details in your emblem. You may want to err on the side of higher contrast, lower brightness images in general as you will find the lighting effects applied to your emblem will often make your emblem appear lighter in-game than the original source would suggest.
- If you are using a transparent background, avoid allowing any opaque pixels from your foreground image to touch the edges of your picture canvas as this can cause graphical anomalies when viewing the emblem in-game.
Some examples of emblems where you can compare the source image to how the emblem appears in-game:
Source Image
Emblem in Game
Emblem as displayed on clan menu
Source for default Lotus emblem (added checkered background for visibility)
Default Lotus emblem as visible in-game
The Customer Support desk can sometimes help deal with these small mistakes made when creating or submitting your emblem, so submit a ticket if you run into problems with any of the issues noted above.
If you don't have access to Photoshop to create your emblem, there are many free alternatives on the web and even good old Microsoft Paint can save images using the .png format!
Also, if you need to have your background removed, the website is a free alternative easy to use.
You can find some excellent graphical assets contained in the Warframe Fansite Kit which you can use as a starting point to create your clan emblem, secure in the knowledge that this art is approved for use in the game.
Essentially any DE or Warframe art assets should be acceptable for use in the creation of your emblem, though we do ask that you refrain from using any art already in use for emblems obtainable in-game (many of these emblems have specific meanings, such as Founder Emblems or Rank Badges and only certain players have the right to display them).