What are Promo Codes?
Promo codes are special codes that unlock in-game items such as boosters or weapons. Please note that codes usually have an expiration date, and will not work once expired. Promo codes may also be tied to specific accounts and only work for the accounts that the code was originally sent to.
To redeem a promo code, please visit https://warframe.com/promocode
What platform do I need to play Warframe on for promo codes to work?
We regularly offer promotions on all platforms, but some codes will only work on certain platforms. Please make sure you are logging into the Warframe account that is tied to the platform of your choice.
Can I redeem multiple codes from the same promotion?
No. All codes from the same promotion are limited to being redeemable only once per account.
I have purchased/obtained a promo code from another user/third party and it does not work. What do I do?
Please note that purchasing a promo code from another user or a third party company that is not affiliated with Warframe is a violation to our Terms of Use and EULA and we will unfortunately not be able to assist with any invalid promo codes acquired. We would still like you to report users/third parties that illicitly offer promo codes for sale so we can investigate and sanction these actions appropriately.
I have ordered an item from the Official Warframe Merchandise Store that included an in-game bonus. What do I do if I have not received my promo code yet or if it is not working?
Congratulations to your new Ninja Gear! Promo codes that are not included in your package will be sent to you via email about 2 weeks after your item was shipped. Should you have not received your codes after that or if your in-game bonus is not working, please submit a request to our Support team.
What do I do if my promo code does not work?
Your promo code may be already expired or used. For further assistance to a specific issues, please contact our Support.