Hanging' with their logical fam in the ducts of Fortuna, the Ventkids get by stealing parts from the Corpus and running K-Drive races out on the Vallis. At night the ventways bang to the sound of skeg - to the chagrin of the locals.
K-Drives are hoverboards allowing players to move fast between locations in the open worlds: Plains of Eidolon, Orb Vallis, or the Cambion Drift
They also give the player access to races managed by the Ventkids in Orb Vallis, or by Grandma on Cambion Drift.
To unlock the ability to use K-Drives, the player will need to complete the quest "Vox Solaris" that begins on Fortuna. A basic guide on the quest can be found [here].
Once the quest is completed, the player will receive a basic Bondi K-Drive Launcher. This will allow the player to summon this K-Drive, but it will not be possible to modify it or to mod it.
Note: Whenever the player only owns the Bondi K-Drive, no K-Drive will be visible in Arsenal.
On the road to customized K-Drives
Players will have the opportunity to build their own K-Drives with the help of the Ventkids. Their Clubhouse can be found in Fortuna. Be on the lookout for graffiti and Skeg coming out of the ducts!
Gathering K-Drives components
This can be done simply by browsing through the Ventkids Wares, where the player will be offered a series of parts to be bought.
Specific K-Drives Mods can also be bought at the same location for Standing. Those Mods will make K-Drives more efficient, by either doing tricks and combos more accessible or last longer or by making the K-Drive more deadly!
Assembling K-Drive
After talking to Roky, a K-Drive can be previewed or assembled together if the player has the parts.
There will be 4 types of components required, the Board, the Reactor, the Nose, and the Jet. The main part granting players the Mastery will be the Board.
K-Drives races
The best way to gain Standing with the Ventkids is by completing K-Drive races. Purple markers will be displayed in the Orb Vallis map (M by default once in the open world) when a K-Drive is mounted, indicating the location you can find Boon to start a K-Drive race.
Once started, the goal will be to go through checkpoints during the race and be the fastest to complete the race, while doing tricks to earn more Standing with the Ventkids!
Available K-Drive races rotate daily, not all are available at the same time. Be sure to check back regularly to face the challenge of a new race!
Grandmother on Deimos has gotten her hands on a new Infested K-Drive and it can be obtained by completing each of her Races out in the Cambion Drift! Once the Feverspine, Gristlebuck, Nodulite, and Steeba parts are obtained, players can visit Roky in Fortuna to build the Infested K-Drive.
Parts locations:
- Feverspine (Board) - Dead Drop race, located in South-West of the Deimos Terminus
- Gristlebuck (Reactor) - Muck and Mire race, located West of the Infested Seraglio
- Nodulite (Nose) - Exocrine Flow race, located North of Catabolic Gutter
- Steeba (Jets) - Pride Before a Fall race, located North of the Undulatum, near the edge of the Cambion Drift