You might get the warning “NETWORK NOT RESPONDING” while playing Warframe. This message indicates that the network between your PC/console and Warframe servers is unstable or takes too long to respond. We have some basic troubleshooting tips here to help you narrow down or perhaps eventually resolve this issue.
Read the Basic Network Troubleshooting guide first before proceeding to the next step.
Use Wired Connection
Wi-Fi is obviously more convenient than wired Ethernet cables. But Ethernet still offers advantages — faster speeds, lower latency, and no wireless interference problems. By temporarily connecting your PC/Console to router/modem using Ethernet cables, it can eliminate many problems that can be caused by poor Wi-Fi connection.
Bypass The Router
If your router and modem are separate devices, please try temporarily bypassing the router and connecting your PC/console directly to your modem or the internet connection provided by your ISP.
If the issue stops after the router is temporarily removed from the network, chances are the router is the culprit. Troubleshoot your router by contacting your router's support or the ISP that provided it.
Antivirus/Firewall and Proxy Issues
Add an exception to all of your firewall and anti-virus software (including Windows Firewall) for "Launcher.exe" and "Warframe.x64.exe".
Also please make sure to check your proxy settings: search for Internet Options on the Windows Control Panel, click on the “Connections – LAN Settings” tab and make sure that the “use automatic configuration script” and “proxy server” options are UN-checked.
Disable IPv6
Here is a quick test to see if you are using IPv6: If the result is positive as shown below, we would suggest you to temporarily disable IPv6 on your computer.
Contact ISP
Last but not least, you may also want to contact your ISP for help if you are suffering similar issues while playing other online games or watching online streaming videos.
This document will be updated should any new information on this topic arise.