How to Access the Foundry
There are two ways to access the Foundry in the Orbiter:
1. Through the Pause Screen
Press ESC and click on EQUIPMENT, and then click on FOUNDRY
2. Walk over to the Foundry in the Orbiter
In the lower compartment of the Orbiter, across from the MOD station you will find the Foundry Segment where you can access the Foundry.
Inside the Foundry
Within the Foundry you will find all the Blueprints that you have acquired from different places such as the market, missions, etc.
On each of the blueprints you will see the following information:
- On the top, the name of the blueprint
- Underneath, the required components to construct the item (number indicates [how many you own]/[how many you need]).
- If you hover over on the blueprint, it will display the item's description, and the component names.
- On the bottom left, you will see how much credits are required to start the construction, and next to it shows the construction time for the item.
You can also check owned components/resources at the bottom by clicking the COMPONENTS button.
Sometimes you will see a number on the bottom left of the blueprint. This indicates how many copies of that item you currently own, and does not indicate number of blueprints you own.
Once you start the construction on an item, a timer and percentage will show the building progress. You can claim the item once the construction is complete, or you can spend Platinum to Rush the build and claim it instantly, allowing you to use the item right away without having to wait for the construction to finish (the number on the bottom left shows the Platinum cost for a rush).
If you decide to rush the item using Platinum, a pop-up screen will be displayed, confirming if you would like to complete the item by spending Platinum. Once you click 'OK' Platinum will be immediately be expended and the item will be added to your inventory.
When you successfully claim or rush the item another prompt screen will appear confirming that the item has been added to your inventory.
Organizing Blueprints
Once you start to collect multiple blueprints, you may have trouble looking for certain blueprints. If so you can ease the search by either selecting a category tab at the top, or 'Sort' your blueprints by different criteria.
Q: I can't seem to sell my unwanted blueprints in the Foundry, where can I sell my blueprints?
A: You can sell your unwanted blueprints by pressing ESC, then EQUIPMENT>INVENTORY. Here you will find your blueprints under the MISCELLANEOUS or PRIME PART tabs, where you can select them and sell them for Credits.
Q: When I try to claim an item I keep getting an error message saying 'Insufficient space in inventory'. Why can't I claim it?
A: The number of certain items you can store in your inventory is limited by slots. From the start you have slots for 2 Warframes, 8 weapons (primary, secondary and melee), 8 Sentinels or their weapons and 2 Kubrows. If you have reached the maximum amount of items, you will be presented with the above message when you try to claim another one. You can now either sell items of that category to free up slots or purchase additional slots with Platinum. Slots can be purchased by pressing ESC, then EQUIPMENT>INVENTORY.
Q: When I try to make a weapon that requires 2 weapons (ie. Aklex), I have the required weapons but the Foundry says I only have 1 and I cannot construct the weapon. Why?
A: Most likely the weapons you are trying to use as components are your only primary/secondary/melee weapons. The game is preventing you from having no weapons of a category. You will need to have at least one weapon of each category ready to equip at all times.
Q: I made the Cipher multiple times with 1 blueprint, but when I made another item, the blueprint disappeared! Is this a bug?
A: Most blueprints can only be used once and it is consumed after the construction is completed. However select blueprints such as Cipher blueprints and other gear blueprints are reusable.