I accidentally dissolved a MOD I wanted to keep!
If you have accidentally dissolved a MOD you intended to keep, you must immediately contact Warframe support by creating a Support Ticket and we will assist you in reversing the process.
Please include the following information:
- The name of the mod you lost
- The level of the mod you lost
- The amount of Endo you received
- The time when you dissolved the mod
Note: If reversal of this sale/dissolve action would leave you below zero Endo it will not be possible to restore your dissolved mod(s).
I used a MOD in a transmutation/I did not receive a rare mod from a transmutation!
The transmutation process is random and using 4 Rare cards simply increases the chances of your receiving a higher rarity card. It does not guarantee that you will receive a Common or Uncommon card.
Due to this, the transmutation process is considered to be permanent and cannot be reversed.